How to Fix a Kickstart on a Dirt Bike

To fix a kickstart on a dirt bike, start by inspecting the kickstart lever for any damage or wear. Then, check the kickstart spring and gear for proper alignment and functioning.

If necessary, replace any damaged parts and ensure proper lubrication for smooth operation.

How to Fix a Kickstart on a Dirt Bike


Importance Of An Efficient Kickstart

Having an efficient kickstart on a dirt bike is of utmost importance. A smooth and easy starting process ensures that your dirt bike runs efficiently and smoothly. It eliminates the frustration of struggling with a hard-to-start engine and allows you to quickly get on the road or the trail.

Moreover, an efficient kickstart also plays a crucial role in preventing potential accidents. Imagine trying to start your dirt bike in a critical situation, only to find that the kickstart is faulty or unreliable. This can lead to delayed reactions or even a complete failure to start the engine, putting you in a dangerous position.

Therefore, maintaining and fixing the kickstart on your dirt bike should be a priority. Regularly inspecting and lubricating the kickstart mechanism, as well as promptly addressing any issues or malfunctions, will ensure that you can start your bike effortlessly every time. Don’t underestimate the importance of a properly functioning kickstart for a safe and enjoyable riding experience.

Common Issues That Affect The Kickstart

Common issues that affect the kickstart on a dirt bike include a broken kickstart lever, a damaged spring, and a bent or misaligned kickstart shaft. The kickstart lever is prone to breaking due to the repetitive stress it endures during use. This can be caused by excessive force, poor maintenance, or a manufacturing defect. A damaged spring can prevent the kickstart lever from returning to its starting position, making it difficult to start the bike.

The spring may become worn or stretched over time, or it could break entirely. A bent or misaligned kickstart shaft can cause the lever to bind or become stuck, rendering it ineffective. This can occur due to a crash, rough handling, or improper installation. When encountering these issues, it is important to replace the broken parts or repair any damage to ensure the proper functioning of the kickstart on a dirt bike.

How to Fix a Kickstart on a Dirt Bike: Step by Step Guide

Assessing And Diagnosing The Problem

Inspecting the Kickstart Mechanism: When encountering issues with the kickstart on your dirt bike, it is crucial to start by inspecting the kickstart mechanism thoroughly. Check for any signs of damage, such as bent or broken parts, excessive wear, or loose connections. Look for any debris or dirt that may be affecting the smooth operation of the mechanism. Clean the mechanism if necessary and ensure all parts are properly lubricated.

Identifying the Cause of the Issue: After inspecting the kickstart mechanism, it is important to identify the root cause of the problem. Common causes include a faulty spring, worn-out gears, or a loose kickstart lever. Pay attention to any unusual sounds or vibrations that can indicate potential issues. Use your hands to manually test the mechanism’s movement, paying close attention to any resistance or irregularities.

Kickstart Lever Replacement

To fix a kickstart on a dirt bike, you need to start by removing the old kickstart lever. First, locate the retaining bolt that holds the kickstart lever in place. Use a wrench or socket to loosen and remove the bolt. Once the bolt is off, carefully slide the kickstart lever off the shaft. Be cautious not to damage any surrounding parts during this process. Inspect the old lever for any signs of wear or damage that may have caused it to malfunction. Clean the area thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris.

After removing the old kickstart lever, you can proceed to install a new one. Take the replacement kickstart lever and carefully slide it onto the shaft, aligning the mounting holes. Once in position, insert and tighten the retaining bolt securely. Make sure the lever moves smoothly and without any resistance. Test the kickstart mechanism a few times to ensure it engages properly. Remember to dispose of the old kickstart lever responsibly.

Replacing A Damaged Spring

To replace a damaged kickstart spring on a dirt bike, you need to first remove the old spring. Begin by locating the kickstart lever and finding the retaining bolt that secures the spring in place. Loosen and remove this bolt using a suitable tool. Be careful not to lose any small components, and keep track of their order for reassembly.

Once the retaining bolt is removed, carefully take out the old kickstart spring from its position. Take note of its orientation and how it was originally installed, as this will be helpful when installing the new spring. Inspect the old spring for any signs of wear, damage, or deformation.

After removing the old spring, prepare to install the new kickstart spring. Ensure the new spring is the correct replacement part for your specific dirt bike model. Align the spring correctly, referring to the orientation of the old spring as a guide. Gently insert the new spring into its designated position and secure it by tightening the retaining bolt.

Adjusting Or Replacing A Bent Kickstart Shaft

Adjusting or replacing a bent kickstart shaft is essential for maintaining the performance of your dirt bike. Diagnosing and measuring the bent shaft is the first step in addressing the issue. Begin by inspecting the kickstart lever for any visible signs of damage. Using a dial indicator, measure the runout of the shaft to determine the extent of the bend. Straightening the bent kickstart shaft may be possible if the bend is minor.

Gently apply pressure to the shaft in the opposite direction of the bend to gradually straighten it. However, if the bend is severe or the straightening process fails, replacing the shaft becomes necessary. Consult your dirt bike’s manufacturer’s manual for specific instructions on removing and installing the kickstart shaft. Remember to use the correct tools and follow proper safety precautions throughout the process.

Regular Lubrication Of The Kickstart Mechanism

The regular lubrication of the kickstart mechanism is essential for maintaining the performance and longevity of your dirt bike’s kickstart. Choosing the right lubricant is crucial to ensure smooth operation and to prevent any rust or corrosion. When it comes to selecting a lubricant for the kickstart mechanism, it is important to use a high-quality product specifically designed for motorcycles.

These lubricants are formulated to withstand the intense conditions and pressures experienced by the kickstart mechanism. Additionally, they provide excellent protection against wear and tear. Apply the lubricant to the kickstart mechanism according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is recommended to clean the mechanism thoroughly before applying the lubricant to remove any dirt or debris that may hinder the lubrication process. By following these steps, you can keep your dirt bike’s kickstart in optimal working condition, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free ride.

Periodically Checking The Kickstart Assembly

The kickstart assembly is a crucial component of a dirt bike that requires periodic checks to ensure optimal performance. Performing routine inspections is necessary to identify any potential issues early on and prevent them from worsening. One of the key aspects of these inspections is to tighten any loose components.

Loose parts, such as bolts, screws, or springs, can lead to the kickstart not functioning properly or even failing altogether. To fix this, carefully examine the kickstart assembly and identify any loose components. Use the appropriate tools, such as a wrench or screwdriver, to tighten them securely.

It is important to pay attention to every part of the kickstart assembly, including the lever, shaft, and springs. By actively tightening loose components, you can improve the reliability and longevity of your dirt bike’s kickstart assembly, ensuring a smooth start every time.

Protective Measures To Avoid Kickstart Issues

In this blog post, we will discuss some protective measures to avoid kickstart issues on your dirt bike. One of the most crucial aspects is using the proper kickstarting technique. When kickstarting, it is essential not to apply excessive force as it can lead to various problems. Try to keep your kickstart smooth and controlled, without putting too much pressure.

Additionally, make sure to use your body weight to your advantage and find the right balance between power and control. By avoiding excessive force, you can prevent kickstart-related issues such as damaging the mechanism or experiencing difficulty in starting the bike. Taking care of your kickstart will ensure smoother rides and a longer lifespan for your dirt bike.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Fix A Kickstart On A Dirt Bike

How Do You Start A Dirtbike With A Broken Kickstarter?

To start a dirtbike with a broken Kickstarter, try push starting it using a downhill slope or ask for assistance.

Why Is My Dirt Bike Not Kick Starting?

There are several possible reasons why your dirt bike won’t kick start. It could be a problem with the spark plug, fuel, or engine compression.

How Do You Start A Bike With A Broken Kickstart?

To start a bike with a broken kickstart, use a push start or jumpstart from another vehicle.

Why My Bike Kick Is Not Working?

Possible SEO-friendly, human-like answer: Your bike kick may not be working due to a potential mechanical issue. Check for loose parts or a worn-out kick-start lever.


Fixing a kickstart on a dirt bike is an essential skill for any rider. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can quickly and effectively troubleshoot and repair your kickstart mechanism. Remember to start by inspecting the kickstart lever and gear for any damage or wear.

Clean and lubricate the components before reassembly. If necessary, replace any broken or worn-out parts. Ensure that the kickstart shaft is properly aligned and that the springs are functioning correctly. Finally, conduct a final check to confirm the kickstart is working smoothly before taking your dirt bike out for a thrilling ride.

Regular maintenance and timely repairs will not only keep your kickstart in top shape but also enhance your overall riding experience. So, don’t let a faulty kickstart hold you back – equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to fix it, and enjoy countless exhilarating dirt bike adventures.

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Dilfaza Arefin

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