How to Change Oil on Dirt Bike

To change oil on a dirt bike, follow these steps: locate the oil drain plug, remove the drain plug to drain the old oil, replace the drain plug, remove the oil filter, and install a new oil filter. Taking care of your dirt bike is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

One crucial maintenance task is changing the oil regularly. Fresh oil helps lubricate the engine, dissipates heat, and removes any debris or impurities that may accumulate over time. By following a few simple steps, you can easily change the oil on your dirt bike and keep it running smoothly.

We will walk you through the process of changing oil on a dirt bike, ensuring you have the necessary knowledge and confidence to do it yourself. So let’s get started!

How to Change Oil on Dirt Bike


Gathering The Necessary Tools And Supplies

Gathering the necessary tools and supplies is essential when changing the oil on your dirt bike. Here’s what you’ll need:

1. Drain PanA drain pan is necessary to catch the old oil as it drains out of the bike.
2. Ratchet and Socket SetA ratchet and socket set will allow you to remove the drain plug easily.
3. FunnelA funnel is needed to pour the new oil into the oil filler hole without spilling.
4. New Oil FilterReplacing the old oil filter with a new one is important to ensure proper oil filtration.
5. New OilHaving new oil ready to pour into the bike is necessary for the oil change process.

How to Change Oil on Dirt Bike: Step by Step Guide

Preparing The Dirt Bike

  • Locating the Oil Drain Plug
  • Removing the Filler Cap
  • Placing the Drain Pan Underneath

Removing The Old Oil

To start the process of changing oil on your dirt bike, you will need a ratchet and socket set. This will help you loosen the drain plug easily. Locate the drain plug on the bottom of the engine and using the appropriate size socket, turn the plug counterclockwise to loosen it. Be careful not to damage the plug threads.

Once the drain plug is loosened, place a drain pan beneath it to catch the old oil. Fully remove the drain plug to allow the oil to drain completely. Make sure to let it drain for a few minutes to ensure all the oil is emptied from the engine.

Alongside removing the old oil, it’s important to replace the oil filter as well. Locate the filter on the side of the engine and carefully remove it. Take note of how the filter is positioned, as you will need to install the new filter in the same way. Dispose of the old filter properly.

Adding The New Oil

When changing oil on a dirt bike, adding the new oil is an important step in the process. Before adding the new oil, it’s crucial to check the manufacturer’s recommendations for the type and quantity of oil to be used. This ensures that the dirt bike is properly lubricated and performs optimally.

Using a funnel to pour the new oil is advisable. A funnel helps to prevent spills and ensures that the oil is poured directly into the oil filler hole. It is important to pour the correct amount of oil as specified by the manufacturer. Adding too much or too little oil can lead to engine damage and affect the bike’s performance.

Finally, after adding the new oil, it’s essential to secure the filler cap tightly. This prevents any leakage of oil during the bike’s operation. A loose filler cap can lead to oil leaks and potential engine problems.

Proper Disposal Of The Old Oil

Maintaining a dirt bike involves not only changing the oil regularly but also properly disposing of the old oil. Transferring the old oil to a suitable container is the first step in this process. Make sure to use a container specifically designed for storing used oil, ensuring it is of appropriate capacity.

Once the old oil is in a suitable container, the next step is taking it to a recycling center. It is essential to avoid pouring the used oil into drains, as it can harm the environment. Recycling centers have specialized systems to handle and dispose of used oil safely and responsibly.

By disposing of the old oil at a recycling center, you contribute to ensuring environmental safety and responsibility. Proper oil disposal prevents pollution and contamination of water sources, protecting ecosystems and wildlife.

Remember, as a responsible dirt bike owner, it is our duty to properly dispose of the old oil. Follow these steps, and you’ll be doing your part in preserving the environment for future generations.

Final Inspection And Cleanup

Checking for LeaksCleaning Up Any Spills or Messes
Before completing the oil change process, it’s important to check for any leaks. Examine the drain plug and filter seal to ensure proper installation and tightness. Inspect the area around the engine and oil filter for any signs of leakage. This step is crucial to prevent any future issues or damage.If there were any spills or messes during the oil change, it’s essential to clean them up promptly. Use an absorbent material, such as shop towels or rags, to soak up any spilled oil. Dispose of the soiled material properly to avoid environmental harm. Wipe down the surrounding surfaces to prevent slipping hazards and maintain a clean workspace.
To ensure that your dirt bike is functioning properly after the oil change, take the time to perform a final inspection. Double-check all the components that were touched during the process, including oil filter, drain plug, and oil lines. Verify that everything is tightly secured and in good condition. This thorough inspection will help keep your dirt bike running smoothly and avoid any potential problems.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Change Oil On Dirt Bike

How Often Should I Change The Oil On My Dirt Bike?

You should change the oil on your dirt bike every 10-15 hours of riding or every 3-6 months, depending on your usage. Regular oil changes help maintain engine performance and prolong the life of your bike’s engine.

What Type Of Oil Should I Use For My Dirt Bike?

It is recommended to use a high-quality 4-stroke synthetic motorcycle oil with the correct viscosity for your dirt bike. Refer to your bike’s owner’s manual or consult with a mechanic to ensure you are using the right oil for optimal performance.

Can I Change The Oil On My Dirt Bike Myself?

Yes, you can change the oil on your dirt bike yourself. It is a relatively simple process that involves draining the old oil, replacing the oil filter if needed, and refilling with fresh oil. Just make sure to follow the instructions in your bike’s manual for the correct procedure.


To summarize, changing oil on a dirt bike is an essential maintenance task that ensures optimal performance and longevity. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this blog post, you can confidently and efficiently carry out this task on your own.

Remember to prioritize safety, gather the necessary tools and materials, and refer to your bike’s manual for specific instructions. Regular oil changes not only protect your engine but also enhance your overall riding experience. Happy trails!

Photo of author

Dilfaza Arefin

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