How to Whip a Dirt Bike

To whip a dirt bike, start by standing up on the footpegs, leaning back, and using your body to initiate a sharp turn in the opposite direction, then quickly turn the handlebars in the opposite direction as well. This will cause the rear wheel to slide out and create the whip effect.

Practice and repetition are key to mastering this skill. In addition, it’s important to ensure you have proper protective gear and are riding in a safe environment. So, let’s dive deeper into the steps and techniques involved in whipping a dirt bike.

Whipping a dirt bike is an impressive maneuver that requires skill and control. It involves a combination of body positioning, handlebar control, and precise timing to create a stylish and crowd-pleasing whip effect. Whether you’re a seasoned rider looking to expand your trick repertoire or a beginner wanting to learn a new skill, this guide will provide you with the necessary steps and techniques to whip a dirt bike successfully. So, let’s get started and learn how to perform this thrilling trick with confidence and finesse.

How to Whip a Dirt Bike


Understanding The Basics Of A Whip

The significance of a whip in dirt biking

When it comes to dirt biking, few maneuvers are as visually striking and exhilarating as a whip. A whip is a technique where a rider skillfully throws their dirt bike sideways while in mid-air, adding theatrics and style to their performance. This impressive maneuver not only showcases the rider’s control and balance but also adds an element of excitement to the sport. Understanding the basics of a whip is essential for any dirt bike enthusiast looking to master this crowd-pleasing move.

Exploring the components of a whip

To successfully execute a whip, it’s crucial to understand the key components involved in the maneuver. Let’s break down the key elements of a whip:

1. Body Position: The rider’s body plays a critical role in a successful whip. By shifting their weight and positioning their body towards the opposite direction as the bike, the rider provides the necessary force to initiate the whip.

2. Takeoff: As the dirt bike leaves the jump, the rider needs to have a strong takeoff. This involves correctly timing their suspension release and adding a burst of acceleration to generate the momentum needed for the whip.

3. Bike Control: Proper bike control is vital during a whip. The rider must have a firm grip on the handlebars while using their lower body to counterbalance the sideways motion. Maintaining control of the bike is essential to ensure a smooth and controlled whip.

4. Leg Extension: As the bike starts to whip, the rider extends their legs outwards, creating a visually impressive display. This extension helps further emphasize the sideways motion and adds flair to the maneuver.

Key factors that affect the performance of a whip

While performing a whip, several factors come into play that can greatly impact its overall performance. These factors include:

1. Jump Technique: The speed, angle, and trajectory of the jump all influence the whip. A well-executed jump ensures a higher and more controlled launch, providing the rider with sufficient airtime to perform an impressive whip.

2. Body Control: The rider’s body control and positioning during the whip greatly influence its success. Maintaining balance and synchronization between the bike and body is crucial for an aesthetically pleasing whip.

3. Bike Setup: Proper bike setup also plays a role in the whip’s performance. Ensuring the suspension is properly adjusted and the bike is in good mechanical condition enhances the rider’s control and maneuverability.

4. Practice and Experience: As with any skill, practice makes perfect. The more a rider practices and gains experience with whips, the better they become at executing this maneuver effectively. Constant practice and refinement of technique lead to more impressive and controlled whips.

In conclusion, understanding the basics of a whip is crucial for any dirt biking enthusiast wanting to add style and flair to their performance. By comprehending the significance of a whip, exploring its key components, and considering the factors that affect its performance, riders can work towards mastering this dynamic maneuver. So, hop on your dirt bike, practice your whips, and take your dirt biking skills to new heights!

How to Whip a Dirt Bike: Step by Step Guide

Perfecting Body Positioning For Optimal Whipping

When it comes to executing impressive whip maneuvers on a dirt bike, mastering body positioning is crucial. The way you distribute your weight, adjust your posture, and understand the importance of each movement will directly impact your ability to whip with style and control. In this guide, we will break down the key elements of perfecting body positioning for optimal whipping.

Understanding the Importance of Body Positioning

Before diving into the specifics of body positioning for whipping, it’s important to understand why it matters so much. Having proper form and positioning not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your whip but also improves your control and stability on the bike. By positioning your body in the right way, you’ll be able to counterbalance the bike’s movement, maintain control, and land smoothly. Let’s explore how to achieve this.

Adjusting Body Posture for Different Whip Variations

Whipping is a versatile maneuver with various techniques and variations. To execute each whip variation effectively, adjusting your body posture is key. Here’s a breakdown of body positioning adjustments for some common whip variations:

  1. Standard Whip: Start by shifting your body weight to the inside of the turn, leaning your upper body down while using your knees to grip the bike tightly. This posture allows you to lean the bike outward while keeping it level, resulting in a clean whip.
  2. Seat Bounce Whip: For this variation, adjust your body posture by crouching slightly lower and shifting your weight towards the rear of the bike. This allows you to utilize the rebound of your suspension to generate more height during the whip.
  3. One Hander Whip: When attempting a one-hander whip, focus on positioning your body slightly over the side of the bike where you will be extending your arm. This helps maintain balance and control while executing the whip with one hand.

Mastering the Art of Weight Distribution During a Whip

Weight distribution plays a vital role in executing a perfect whip. By understanding how to distribute your weight effectively, you’ll be able to control your bike’s movement and maintain balance throughout the whip. Here are some key tips for mastering weight distribution:

  • Grip with your knees: Keep your knees firmly gripping the bike to maintain stability and control.
  • Shift weight to the inside of the turn: As mentioned earlier, shifting your weight to the inside of the turn helps you lean the bike outward and maintain balance.
  • Shift weight towards the rear: Depending on the whip variation, shifting your weight towards the rear can help generate more height and control during the whip.
  • Stay relaxed: Tension in your body can hinder your ability to perform a smooth whip. Stay relaxed and fluid in your movements to achieve optimal performance.

By mastering the art of weight distribution and adjusting your body posture for different whip variations, you’ll be well on your way to perfecting your dirt bike whipping skills. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to hit the track, experiment with different techniques, and fine-tune your body positioning until you achieve the whip of your dreams!

Developing The Technique With Progressive Training

Whipping a dirt bike is an exhilarating and impressive maneuver that every motocross enthusiast aspires to master. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, progressive training is the key to develop the technique required to execute flawless whips. By starting with simple exercises and gradually progressing to more complex maneuvers, followed by implementing specific training drills, you can enhance your whip control and take your riding skills to the next level.

Starting with Simple Whip Exercises

When it comes to mastering whips, it’s crucial to begin with basic exercises that lay a solid foundation for more advanced maneuvers. These exercises not only help you develop the necessary body positioning and balance but also familiarize you with the mechanics involved in the whip. Here are a few simple whip exercises to start with:

  • Stand up on your dirt bike while riding at a moderate speed and practice shifting your weight from one side to the other.
  • Gradually increase the speed and experiment with leaning your bike in different directions.
  • Focus on keeping your body relaxed and fluid throughout the exercise.

Gradually Progressing to More Complex Whip Maneuvers

Once you have a good grasp of the basic whip exercises, it’s time to step up your game and challenge yourself with more complex maneuvers. Remember, progress is made by pushing your limits. Here are a few whip maneuvers to gradually progress towards:

  1. Start incorporating small jumps while practicing the whip, allowing you to add more style and height to your maneuver.
  2. Experiment with different body positions mid-air, such as extending your legs or leaning your upper body towards the opposite direction of the whip.
  3. Gradually increase the speed and intensity of your whips, focusing on maintaining control and balance at all times.

Implementing Specific Training Drills to Enhance Whip Control

To truly master the whip technique, it’s essential to implement specific training drills that target the areas of your riding that need improvement. These drills will not only enhance your whip control but also sharpen your reflexes and overall bike handling skills. Consider incorporating the following training drills into your practice sessions:

Training DrillDescription
Whip Jump Interval TrainingRide in a straight line and perform consecutive whips at intervals, gradually reducing the time between each whip.
One-handed Whip PracticeTrain yourself to perform whips while riding with one hand, improving your maneuvering skills and overall bike control.
Whip ChallengesRide alongside other riders and challenge each other to perform the best whips, pushing yourself to improve and learn from each other.

By incorporating these training drills into your regular practice routine, you’ll be able to fine-tune your whip control and take your skills to new heights. Remember, consistency and perseverance are key when it comes to mastering any motocross technique. Keep practicing, stay focused, and soon enough, you’ll be whipping your bike like a pro!

Tips To Improve Whip Style And Execution

Whipping a dirt bike is an impressive and exhilarating maneuver that requires a combination of skill, technique, and style. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dirt biker, improving your whip style and execution is always a worthwhile pursuit. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of whip maneuvers and provide you with actionable tips and tricks to take your whip to the next level.

Analyzing professional dirt bikers’ whip techniques

One of the best ways to enhance your whip style and execution is by studying the techniques of professional dirt bikers. These riders have honed their skills over years of practice and competition, and analyzing their whips can provide valuable insights.

When analyzing professional whip techniques, pay attention to:

  1. Their body positioning: Observe how they shift their weight and position their body during the whip. A proper body position is crucial for maintaining control and achieving maximum whip amplitude.
  2. Their bike’s trajectory: Take note of how the riders manipulate their bike’s trajectory during the whip. This includes the timing and intensity of the throttle, as well as their use of the rear brake to control the bike’s rotation.
  3. Their landing technique: Pay attention to how professional dirt bikers land after performing a whip. They often utilize specific strategies to ensure a smooth and controlled landing, minimizing the risk of crashes or loss of control.

By carefully analyzing professional whip techniques, you can gain a deeper understanding of the mechanics behind this maneuver and apply them to your own riding.

Incorporating personal style and creativity into whip maneuvers

While studying professional dirt bikers’ whip techniques is essential, it’s equally important to infuse your own personal style and creativity into your whip maneuvers. Whipping is not just about executing a technically flawless maneuver; it’s also a chance to express yourself and stand out from the crowd.

Here are a few ways to incorporate your personal style into whip maneuvers:

  • Experiment with different whip angles: Instead of sticking to the traditional horizontal whip, try experimenting with different angles. Tilt your bike to the side or even go for an inverted whip if you’re feeling daring.
  • Play with your body positioning: Instead of adopting the exact body position of professional riders, put your own spin on it. Lean further back or forward, extend your legs, or get creative with your arm movements.
  • Add stylish flair: Whip maneuvers offer an opportunity to add stylish flair to your riding. Kick out your legs, point your toes, or incorporate tricks such as a no-hander or no-footer whip for an extra level of visual impact.

Remember, your whip maneuvers should reflect your personality and riding style. Embrace your individuality and let your creativity shine through.

Utilizing effective tips and tricks for improving whip execution

Now that you understand the mechanics behind whip maneuvers and have explored ways to incorporate your personal style, let’s dive into some concrete tips and tricks to improve your whip execution:

  1. Practice body positioning: Focus on getting your body positioning just right. This means shifting your weight towards the outside of the bike and keeping your head turned towards the direction of the whip.
  2. Master the pre-loading technique: Pre-loading is a crucial step before whipping. Practice compressing the suspension by sharply accelerating, then swiftly decelerating just before takeoff. This technique will give you the necessary energy and control to execute a powerful whip.
  3. Start with small whips: If you’re a beginner or feel uncomfortable with big whips, start by practicing small whips first. Gradually increase the intensity and amplitude as you gain confidence and control.
  4. Progressively increase throttle control: Controlling the throttle during a whip is key to achieving smooth and controlled rotation. Practice gradually increasing your throttle control, starting with small bursts and building up to longer throttle application.

Remember, improving your whip style and execution takes time and practice. Consistently apply these tips and tricks, and be patient with yourself as you progress. With time, dedication, and a bit of creativity, you’ll be whipping your dirt bike like a pro in no time!

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Whipping A Dirt Bike

Whipping a dirt bike is a thrilling and impressive maneuver that requires skill, control, and practice. However, many beginners often make some common mistakes that can hinder their progress. Recognizing these errors and understanding their implications is crucial to becoming a proficient dirt bike whipper. In this section, we will discuss the common mistakes made by beginners, the implications of these mistakes, and provide corrective techniques to help you overcome common whip challenges.

Recognizing common errors made by beginners

As a novice whipper, it’s important to acknowledge the common mistakes that many beginners tend to make. By identifying these errors, you can take proactive steps to avoid them and progress more rapidly in your whip technique. Here are some of the most common errors:

  • Lack of body position: Many beginners fail to position their body correctly while whipping, which can result in unstable landings or loss of control.
  • Inadequate throttle control: Throttle control plays a crucial role in executing a smooth and controlled whip. Beginners often struggle with maintaining the right amount of throttle throughout the maneuver.
  • Poor timing: Timing is everything when it comes to whipping a dirt bike. Beginners may struggle to time their body movements and bike actions correctly, resulting in an improper whip.
  • Insufficient pre-load: Pre-loading the suspension is essential for creating the desired whip angle. Beginners may neglect this aspect, leading to lackluster whip attempts.

Understanding the implications of these mistakes

Each of these common mistakes can have significant implications on your whip technique. Understanding these implications will help you grasp the importance of overcoming these errors. Here’s how each mistake can impact your whip:

Lack of body positionDecreased stability during the whip and increased chances of crashing or losing control upon landing.
Inadequate throttle controlDifficulty in maintaining a smooth and controlled whip, resulting in uneven angles and compromised style.
Poor timingFailure to achieve the desired whip effect, leading to a less impressive and less fluid maneuver.
Insufficient pre-loadLimited whip angle and reduced potential for an exaggerated and stylish whip.

Practicing corrective techniques to overcome common whip challenges

To improve your whip technique and overcome these common challenges, it’s vital to practice corrective techniques. By focusing on these areas, you can refine your whip and master this thrilling maneuver. Here are some techniques to help you overcome common whip challenges:

  1. Work on body position: Focus on positioning your body correctly during the whip, keeping your weight balanced and centered.
  2. Hone throttle control: Practice modulating the throttle smoothly throughout the whip, maintaining a consistent power delivery.
  3. Master timing: Pay attention to the timing of your body movements and bike actions, ensuring they align for a seamless whip.
  4. Emphasize pre-loading: Prioritize pre-loading the suspension, compressing it adequately to achieve the desired whip angle.

By practicing these corrective techniques and staying mindful of the common mistakes outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled dirt bike whipper. Remember to start slow, gradually building your confidence and technique, and always prioritize safety while progressing in this exhilarating riding skill.

Safety Measures And Precautions For Whipping A Dirt Bike

Whipping a dirt bike is an exhilarating stunt that requires skill, control, and an understanding of safety measures. Before attempting this daring maneuver, it is important to take certain precautions to ensure your well-being and minimize the risk of accidents. In this section, we will discuss three key safety measures: wearing appropriate safety gear, ensuring proper bike maintenance, and practicing in controlled environments.

Wearing appropriate safety gear for whip stunts

When it comes to whipping a dirt bike, wearing the right safety gear can mean the difference between a risky venture and a controlled maneuver. It is crucial to protect yourself from potential injuries. Here is a list of the essential safety gear you should wear:

HelmetA DOT-approved full-face helmet to safeguard your head from impacts and potential head injuries.
GogglesProtective goggles to shield your eyes from dust, debris, and branches.
Chest ProtectorA chest protector to guard your chest and vital organs against potential impacts.
Elbow and Knee PadsPadded elbow and knee guards to protect your joints and reduce the risk of fractures.
Riding BootsSturdy riding boots with ankle support and toe protection to prevent foot injuries.
GlovesFull-fingered gloves to enhance your grip on the handlebars and protect your hands.

By wearing appropriate safety gear, you minimize the chances of serious injuries and ensure a safer whipping experience.

Ensuring proper bike maintenance for safe whipping

Your dirt bike’s condition significantly impacts your safety during a whipping stunt. Before attempting any maneuvers, it is vital to ensure your bike is in proper working condition. Consider the following maintenance measures:

  • Regular inspections: Regularly inspect your bike for any signs of wear and tear, loose parts, or leaks. Address any issues promptly.
  • Brake check: Ensure your brakes are functioning effectively to provide optimal stopping power when needed.
  • Tire maintenance: Check the tire pressure and tread regularly. Worn-out or improperly inflated tires can compromise your bike’s handling.
  • Fluid levels: Maintain proper levels of oil, coolant, and other fluids to ensure smooth operation.

By maintaining your bike diligently, you can maximize its performance and minimize the risk of mechanical failures and accidents during whipping stunts.

Understanding the importance of practicing in controlled environments

When it comes to whipping a dirt bike, practice is essential. However, it is equally crucial to practice in controlled environments to enhance your skills and mitigate potential risks. Look for controlled environments such as motocross tracks or open fields that offer enough space for maneuvering. Consider the following while practicing:

  • Start slow: Begin with small, controlled whips and gradually increase the level of difficulty as you gain confidence.
  • Choose appropriate terrain: Opt for smoother surfaces with minimal obstacles to minimize the chances of crashes or injuries.
  • Ride with a spotter: Having a spotter can provide an extra layer of safety by informing you of potential risks or hazards.
  • Follow safety guidelines: Adhere to the rules and regulations of the practice area to maintain a safe environment for everyone.

A controlled environment allows you to refine your technique, build muscle memory, and develop the necessary skills to execute successful whip stunts.

By adhering to these safety measures and precautions, you can enhance your safety while enjoying the thrilling experience of whipping a dirt bike. So, gear up, ensure your bike is well-maintained, and practice responsibly in controlled environments to master the art of dirt bike whipping.

Showcasing Whipping Skills In Competitive Scenarios

Whipping a dirt bike is not only an exhilarating technique, but it also serves as a thrilling spectacle for both participants and spectators. As you become more skilled at whipping, you may find yourself wanting to share your impressive moves in competitive scenarios. Whether it’s participating in whip contests and competitions, capturing impressive whip photos and videos, or leveraging social media platforms to share your whipping moments, there are plenty of ways to showcase your skills to a wider audience. In this article, we’ll explore each of these strategies in detail.

Participating in Whip Contests and Competitions

Participating in whip contests and competitions is a fantastic way to not only display your skills but also learn from other talented riders. These events bring together a community of riders who are passionate about whipping and provide an opportunity to showcase your unique style. To find whip contests and competitions near you, consult local dirt biking clubs, event websites, and social media groups that cater to motocross enthusiasts.

When participating in whip contests, remember to focus on maintaining control and fluidity in your movements. Judges often look for a combination of height, extension, and style, so it’s essential to perfect your technique. Practice various whipping angles and adjust your body position to achieve the most impressive whip possible.

Tips for Capturing Impressive Whip Photos and Videos

Capturing impressive whip photos and videos is key to showcasing your skills and building a visual portfolio of your talent. When photographing or filming whip stunts, keep these tips in mind:

  • Choose a suitable location with a visually appealing background.
  • Position yourself strategically to capture the best angle and perspective.
  • Utilize burst mode or continuous shooting to capture multiple frames, increasing your chances of capturing the perfect shot.
  • Consider using a higher shutter speed to freeze the action and capture sharper images.
  • Experiment with different camera settings and angles to capture unique and dynamic shots.
  • Edit your photos and videos to enhance colors, contrast, and overall visual appeal.

Leveraging Social Media Platforms to Share Whipping Moments

Social media platforms offer a fantastic opportunity to share your whipping moments with a wider audience and gain recognition. Consider these strategies when sharing your whipping content online:

  1. Create an engaging caption that describes the stunt and highlights your skills.
  2. Use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts.
  3. Tag motocross-related accounts or communities to reach a targeted audience.
  4. Engage with other riders’ content by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts, building connections within the motocross community.
  5. Consider collaborating with influential riders or content creators to expand your reach.
  6. Regularly post fresh whipping content to keep your followers engaged and interested in your journey.

Remember, the key to showcasing your whipping skills in competitive scenarios is a combination of practice, persistence, and effective self-promotion. By participating in contests, capturing stunning visuals, and leveraging social media platforms, you can amplify your presence within the motocross community and captivate audiences with your impressive whip maneuvers.

How To Whip A Dirt Bike: Frequently Asked Questions

Whipping a dirt bike is an exhilarating technique that allows riders to showcase their skill and style on the track. However, mastering the art of whipping takes practice and dedication. To help you along your journey, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions regarding whipping techniques. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider looking to take your whip skills to the next level, we’ve got you covered. Read on to find expert advice, tips, and answers to your most pressing questions.

Addressing common queries related to whipping techniques

When it comes to whipping a dirt bike, riders often have several questions in mind. To address your concerns, we’ve highlighted some of the most common queries below:

  • How do I initiate a whip on a dirt bike?
  • What body movements are involved in a whip?
  • How can I maintain control while whipping?
  • Are there different types of whip techniques?
  • How can I land safely after performing a whip?

Understanding the answers to these questions is crucial for any rider looking to perfect their whip technique. In the following sections, we will provide expert advice and guidance on overcoming whipping challenges as well as tips for aspiring dirt bikers looking to improve their whip skills.

Providing expert advice on overcoming whipping challenges

Whipping a dirt bike can be challenging, but with the right guidance and practice, you can overcome these hurdles. Here are some expert tips to help you tackle common whipping challenges:

  1. Body Positioning: Mastering the correct body positioning is vital when attempting a whip. As you leave the jump, shift your weight to the opposite side of your whip. Ensure your body is centred over the bike and your legs are firmly gripping the bike’s frame.
  2. Timing and Rhythm: The key to a smooth and stylish whip is perfect timing and rhythm. Practice your timing by hitting the jump at the right speed and syncing your body movements with the bike’s movements.
  3. Practice on Smaller Jumps: If you’re struggling with whipping, it’s advisable to start with smaller jumps. This will help you build confidence, improve your technique, and minimize the risk of injury.
  4. Focus on Bike Controls: Pay attention to your bike’s controls during a whip. Maintain control over the throttle, clutch, and brakes to ensure a smooth landing and avoid any unnecessary accidents.
  5. Seek Professional Instruction: If you’re serious about perfecting your whipping skills, seeking professional instruction can be immensely beneficial. An experienced dirt biking coach can provide personalized guidance, correct any flaws in your technique, and help you progress faster.

Tips for aspiring dirt bikers looking to improve their whip skills

If you’re an aspiring dirt biker looking to enhance your whip skills, consider these valuable tips:

  • Build Core Strength: Whipping requires a strong core, so incorporating exercises that target your core muscles into your training routine can greatly improve your whip control.
  • Watch and Learn: Study videos of professional riders whipping to understand the mechanics and style behind their movements. Analyze their body positioning, timing, and fluidity to incorporate these elements into your own whip.
  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to mastering any skill, including whipping. Dedicate regular practice sessions to whipping techniques, both on and off the track.
  • Experiment with Different Whipping Styles: While there are established whipping techniques, don’t be afraid to experiment with your own unique style. Find what works best for you and develop your signature whip.
  • Stay Safe and Use Protective Gear: Always prioritize your safety when attempting a whip. Wear proper protective gear, including a helmet, goggles, gloves, and body armor, to minimize the risk of injuries.

By following these tips and putting in the necessary effort, you can progressively improve your whip skills and stand out as a skilled and stylish dirt bike rider!

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Whip A Dirt Bike

How To Do A Whip On A Bike?

To do a whip on a bike, position your body towards the side you want to whip, pop the bike into the air, and kick your legs out to whip the bike in that direction.

How Do You Whip A Dirt Bike Jump?

To whip a dirt bike jump, position yourself in the air, twist your body and bike in opposite directions, then bring it back smoothly.

How Do You Squeeze A Dirt Bike?

Squeezing a dirt bike requires cautious handling and precision.

How Do You Scrub A Dirt Bike?

To scrub a dirt bike, follow these steps: 1. Rinse the bike with water to remove loose dirt. 2. Use a specialized cleaner and a brush to scrub the bike’s surfaces. 3. Pay attention to difficult-to-reach areas and give them extra scrubbing.

4. Rinse the bike again and dry it thoroughly to prevent rust.


Now that you have learned the essential techniques and tips on how to whip a dirt bike, it’s time to put them into practice. Remember to start with mastering your body positioning and keeping your eyes on the desired landing spot.

Focusing on your throttle control and timing are also crucial elements for a successful whip. Don’t be discouraged if it takes a few tries to get it right; with practice and determination, you’ll soon be whipping with confidence. Whether you’re racing competitively or simply riding for fun, adding the whip technique to your repertoire will elevate your dirt biking skills to the next level.

So, get out there, hit the tracks, and showcase your stylish air time with impressive dirt bike whips. Happy riding!

Photo of author

Dilfaza Arefin

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