How to Install Dirt Bike Grips

To install dirt bike grips, remove the old grips by spraying them with compressed air and using a flat-head screwdriver. Clean the handlebar with rubbing alcohol, apply grip adhesive, and slide the new grips onto the handlebar.

How to Install Dirt Bike Grips

Choosing The Right Grips For Dirt Bikes

Selecting the right dirt bike grips is crucial for optimum control and comfort during rides. The following factors should be considered while choosing:

  • Material: Grips made from high-quality materials like rubber or silicone offer better durability and grip.
  • Design: Choose a grip design that suits your hand size and riding style. Patterns, textures, and contours can enhance grip and reduce hand fatigue.
  • Thickness: Grips come in different thicknesses. Consider your preference and hand size while selecting the right thickness for a comfortable grip.
  • Vibration Dampening: Some grips are designed to reduce vibration transmitted from the bike to your hands, offering a smoother and more comfortable ride.
  • Weather Resistance: Opt for grips that are weather-resistant and offer good grip even in wet or muddy conditions.
  • Installation: Check if the grips are easy to install and compatible with your dirt bike model. It’s important to follow proper installation instructions.

Tools Needed

Tools Needed
List of tools required for the installation process:
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Wrench
  • Wire cutters
  • Compressed air
  • Grip glue
  • Rubber mallet

To successfully install dirt bike grips, it’s essential to have the right tools at hand. Here is a list of the tools you will need for the installation process:

– Phillips screwdriver: This will be used to remove any screws securing the old grips.
– Wrench: You may need a wrench to loosen and tighten certain components, depending on your bike’s make and model.
– Wire cutters: These will come in handy for cutting off any zip ties or wires that may be holding the grips in place.
– Compressed air: Using compressed air can make it easier to remove the old grips by creating some space underneath them.
– Grip glue: A reliable grip glue is crucial for securely attaching the new grips to the handlebars.
– Rubber mallet: A rubber mallet will help ensure the grips are properly seated and evenly positioned on the handlebars.

Having these tools ready before starting the installation process will save you time and frustration.

How to Install Dirt Bike Grips: Step by Step Guide

Removing Old Grips

When removing old dirt bike grips, it is important to follow a step-by-step process to ensure a smooth transition. Here are some tips and tricks to help you remove the grips easily without damaging the handlebars:

  1. Spray a lubricant: Start by spraying a lubricant, such as WD-40, underneath the grips. This will help to loosen the adhesive and make the removal process easier.
  2. Use compressed air: After applying the lubricant, use compressed air to blow in between the grip and the handlebar. This will create a gap and further loosen the grip.
  3. Insert a flathead screwdriver: Gently insert a flathead screwdriver underneath the grip and twist it to create more space. Be careful not to damage the handlebar or grip.
  4. Pull and twist: Once you have created enough space, it’s time to pull and twist the grip. Gradually work your way around the grip, applying consistent force to loosen it.
  5. Remove any residue: After removing the grip, clean any adhesive residue left on the handlebars using a solvent or rubbing alcohol.
  6. Install new grips: Now that the old grip is removed, you can proceed to install new dirt bike grips following the manufacturer’s instructions.

By following these steps, you can easily remove old dirt bike grips without causing any damage to the handlebars. Remember to take your time and be cautious throughout the process. Happy riding!

Preparing The Handlebars

Cleaning and preparing the handlebars is an important step in the dirt bike grips installation process. Start by removing any residue left behind from the old grips. Use a solvent or grip glue remover to ensure a clean surface. After removing the residue, thoroughly clean the handlebars using a mild soap and water solution. Dry them properly before moving on to the next step.

This will ensure that the new grips adhere well to the handlebars. If there are any rough or sharp edges on the handlebars, use sandpaper or a file to smooth them out. The handlebars should be smooth and free from any dirt or debris before applying the new grips. Taking the time to properly clean and prepare the handlebars will help ensure a secure and long-lasting grip installation.

Applying Grip Glue

When installing dirt bike grips, one important step is applying grip glue. Grip glue plays a crucial role in securing the new grips in place, ensuring a long-lasting bond. It is essential to apply the glue properly to achieve the best results.

To apply grip glue, start by cleaning the handlebars thoroughly to remove any dirt, grease, or debris. This will help the glue adhere better. Next, apply a small amount of grip glue to the inside of the new grip, spreading it evenly along the surface. Avoid using an excessive amount of glue as it can cause the grip to slip.

Once the glue is applied, quickly and firmly slide the grip onto the handlebar, making sure it is aligned properly. The glue will start to set fairly quickly, so it’s important to work efficiently. Hold the grip in place for a few minutes to allow the glue to bond.

After the grip is securely in place, give it sufficient time to fully cure before riding the bike. This will ensure a strong and durable bond. Remember to follow the specific instructions provided by the grip manufacturer.

Proper Grip Alignment

Proper grip alignment is crucial when installing dirt bike grips to ensure a comfortable and secure grip position. Here are some techniques to help you align the grips correctly on the handlebars:

  • Start by removing the old grips, cleaning the handlebars, and applying grip glue or adhesive.
  • Position the grips in a way that allows your hands to comfortably wrap around them, with a slight bend in your wrist.
  • Align the grip pattern symmetrically with the handlebars, ensuring that they are evenly spaced and visually appealing.
  • Make sure the throttle grip lines up properly with the throttle tube, allowing for smooth operation.
  • Tighten the grips securely using grip wire or zip ties, ensuring they are snug and won’t rotate during use.
  • Check and adjust the alignment if necessary, taking into consideration your personal preference and riding style.

Following these techniques will help you install dirt bike grips correctly, resulting in a comfortable and safe riding experience.

Installing The New Grips

When it comes to installing new dirt bike grips, a step-by-step guide can ensure a smooth and hassle-free process. Follow these tips for a successful installation:

1Remove the old grips by carefully cutting them off with a sharp utility knife. Ensure not to damage the handlebars.
2Clean the handlebars thoroughly with rubbing alcohol to remove any dirt or residue. This will allow the new grips to adhere better.
3Lubricate the inside of the new grips with soapy water or grip glue. This will make installation easier and help them slide onto the handlebars smoothly.
4Align the grips properly and push them onto the handlebars, ensuring they are snug and secure.
5If necessary, trim any excess grip material using a sharp utility knife.
6Allow the grips to dry and set for a few hours before using the dirt bike.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can easily install new dirt bike grips and enhance your riding experience.

Securing The Grips

Installing dirt bike grips securely is crucial to ensure enhanced control and safety while riding. Here are some methods you can use to prevent the grips from slipping:

  1. Clean the handlebars: Before installation, make sure the handlebars are clean and free from any debris or residue that could hinder the grip’s adhesion.
  2. Apply grip glue: Apply a suitable grip glue to the handlebars to create a strong bond between the grips and the handlebars.
  3. Use safety wire: For added security, you can use safety wire to secure the grips in place. Wrap the wire tightly around the grips and handlebars, ensuring a firm hold.
  4. Use grip wire: Alternatively, grip wire can also be used to prevent the grips from slipping. Wrap the wire around the grips and handlebars, securing them tightly.
  5. Utilize adhesive spray: Adhesive sprays specifically designed for grips can provide an extra layer of stability. Spray a small amount on the handlebars before installing the grips.
  6. Allow sufficient drying time: After installation, allow the grip glue or adhesive spray to dry completely before riding to ensure a strong and secure fit.

By following these methods, you can ensure a tight fit for your dirt bike grips, allowing for better control and reducing the risk of accidents. Remember to regularly inspect and maintain the grips to ensure optimal performance.

Testing And Adjustments

Testing the newly installed grips for comfort and effectiveness

Once you have successfully installed your dirt bike grips, it’s essential to test them for both comfort and effectiveness. Comfort is crucial to ensure a comfortable and secure grip while riding, while effectiveness determines how well the grips perform under various riding conditions.

To test the comfort, it’s recommended to take a short ride and pay attention to any discomfort or fatigue in your hands. Check if the grips provide adequate cushioning and support, preventing excessive vibration from reaching your hands.

Next, assess the effectiveness of the grips by testing their grip performance. During your ride, make note of your hands slipping or sliding on the grips, as this indicates a lack of grip effectiveness. Adjust the grip position or experiment with different grip materials to optimize their grip performance.

Regular testing and adjustments are necessary to ensure your dirt bike grips provide the best possible comfort and effectiveness. Remember to prioritize safety and ride within your skill level.

Maintenance And Care

Tips for maintaining and prolonging the lifespan of dirt bike grips:

  • Regularly clean the grips with mild soap and water to remove dirt, mud, and debris. Avoid using abrasive cleaners to prevent damage.
  • Inspect the grips for any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks or fraying. Replace them if necessary to ensure optimal grip and control.
  • Apply a silicone-based grip enhancer to keep the grips tacky and reduce the chances of your hands slipping during rides.
  • Check the tightness of the grip screws regularly and tighten them if loose. Loose grips can cause discomfort and affect your control over the bike.
  • Consider installing grip donuts or grip covers to protect the grips from excessive wear caused by rubbing against the handlebars.
  • Store your dirt bike in a dry and clean area to prevent the grips from deteriorating due to moisture or exposure to harsh elements.

Maintaining and caring for your dirt bike grips is essential for a comfortable and safe riding experience. By following these tips, you can ensure that your grips remain in good condition and provide you with excellent grip and control when hitting the trails.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Install Dirt Bike Grips

What Is The Best Way To Put On Dirt Bike Grips?

To put on dirt bike grips, first remove the old ones. Apply grip glue to the handlebars and push the grips onto them.

Do You Have To Glue Dirt Bike Grips?

No, you don’t have to glue dirt bike grips.

How Do You Make Dirt Bike Grips Stick?

To make dirt bike grips stick: 1. Clean the handlebars thoroughly with a degreaser 2. Apply grip glue or hairspray to the handlebars and inside the grips 3. Quickly slide the grips onto the handlebars, aligning them properly 4. Allow the grips to set for the recommended time before riding.

Should I Use Glue On Motorcycle Grips?

Yes, using glue on motorcycle grips is recommended for secure and long-lasting attachment.


Installing dirt bike grips is an essential task for any rider looking to enhance their performance and comfort on the trails. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this blog post, you can easily replace your old worn-out grips with new ones.

Start by removing the old grips and cleaning the handlebars thoroughly. Then, apply a small amount of grip glue to ensure a secure fit. Slide the new grips onto the handlebars, making sure they are aligned properly. Finally, allow the glue to dry completely before riding your dirt bike.

By properly installing new grips, you can greatly improve your control, reduce hand fatigue, and enjoy a more comfortable ride. So don’t hesitate, grab your tools and get ready to give your dirt bike a fresh new feel with some brand new grips.

Happy riding!

Photo of author

Dilfaza Arefin

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